The Diocese has asked that the case be considered by the entire Court rather than the divided, five-member panel that issued the May 22nd decision to open court-sealed documents to the media involving alleged abuse cases.
The Diocese maintains that the current decision to open the documents fails to consider the
serious conflict of interest of the trial judge, fails to uphold the legitimate privacy and constitutional rights of all parties to lawsuits, and fails to recognize that disclosure of the sealed documents in question is barred by the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment.
Last month a five-member panel ruled by a 4-1 margin that the court documents involving 23 lawsuits against seven priests from the Diocese of Bridgeport should not be sealed. The documents were scheduled to become public in a matter of weeks but now will remain sealed until the court rules on the churches new motion.
Click here for the full story according to the Diocese of Bridgeport.
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