They recommend strength training, even if you have to use a very light weight, or no weight at all. But they warn that inadequate footwear can lead to injuries like sprained ankles and knees. So before you start any activity, be sure you have the right equipment. They say simple exercises you can do at home will strengthen your joints and keep you limber longer. They recommend using a step and simply stepping up and down, slowly on the right and then the left foot. They emphasize the importance of using your legs to get out of a chair, as opposed to just using your arms. To maintain that level of flexibility and strength, they say walking is the best thing you can do. They recommend 10 to 30 minutes of walking a day. For those of you who have a pool nearby, the experts say easy water aerobics can quickly increase flexibility by providing both buouancy and resistance.
To learn more about ways you can stay active, or sign up for some of McLean's programs, click here.
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