The St. Catherine of Siena Women’s Club will hold a tag sale on Saturday, June 6, from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. and Sunday, June 7, after Masses. St. Catherine of Siena Church West Simsbury, CT. The tag sale, which will be held rain or shine, returns after a four-year absence.
“The tag sale at St. Catherine of Siena Church had been an annual event for many years. We’re excited that the event will be returning to the parish this year,” said Bryce McGowan, Tag Sale Committee Co-Chair. “With the economy the way it is, everyone is looking for a bargain. It's a great way to help the parish as well as the community. We're confident many new treasures will be discovered amidst the wide variety of items for sale. There is something for everyone.”
“The tag sale at St. Catherine of Siena Church had been an annual event for many years. We’re excited that the event will be returning to the parish this year,” said Bryce McGowan, Tag Sale Committee Co-Chair. “With the economy the way it is, everyone is looking for a bargain. It's a great way to help the parish as well as the community. We're confident many new treasures will be discovered amidst the wide variety of items for sale. There is something for everyone.”
If there's something you're looking for, drop by 265 Stratton Brook Road, West Simsbury, CT, on June 6 or June 7.
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