Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Military Museum

Monday, June 29, 2009
Women Veterans

Rose was stationed in the heart of the south Pacific, and helped to heal hundreds of wounded men.
Friday, June 26, 2009
New Catholic Charities Center
ACLU Supports Diocese of Bridgeport
Bishop William Lori says, "The ACLU’s decision to join with the Diocese in this case demonstrates that this is a matter of fundamental civil liberties that threatens the Constitutional rights of all citizens."
He continues, "Holding a protest rally on the steps of the State Capitol and posting information on our diocesan website are not lobbying but an expression of our First Amendment rights of free speech. We welcome the support of the Nation’s leading civil liberties organization, and look forward to making our case against the misguided actions of the Office of State Ethics."
For more information, visit www.bridgeportdiocese.com/story_ACLUStatement.shtml
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Ready for Some Peace and Quiet?
- Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center, West Hartford
- Montfort House, Litchfield
- Our Lady of Calvary Retreat House, Farmington
- Trinita, New Hartford
- Wisdom House Retreat Center, New Hartford
- The Archdiocesian Center at St. Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield
(Photo courtesy: Brandon Nappi, Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center)
WJMJ Religious Headlines

- Vandals Hit Southington Church
- Possible Saint in Springfield
- Possible Miracle in Kansas
- Prayer Service for Train Victims
- Arizona Limits Abortion
- Canadian Bishops Clear Agency's Link to Abortion
- Pope Speaks on Year of Priests and Red Cross
- Southern Baptists Talk Shrinking Numbers
- ACLU Fights Limits on Muslim Inmates' Prayer
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
WJMJ Religious Headlines

Catholic Teachers in CT Accept a Wage Freeze
Their vote means that teachers at East Catholic High School in Manchester, Northwest Catholic High School in West Hartford, St. Paul Catholic High School in Bristol, and Sacred Heart High School in Waterbury will not have their salaries increased at all in the next school year. Also taking a wage freeze are all administrators and staff at the four schools.

The schools sent out a statement saying: "The salary freeze reflects our concern, commitment and partnership with our students and their families during these uncertain economic times. Together, we remain committed to every student who desires a quality Catholic education.”
Superintendent of Catholic Schools, Dale R. Hoyt, expressed the appreciation of the Archdiocese for the Association’s vote for a salary freeze, saying, “We are extremely grateful that the high school administrators, faculty and staff have chosen to share in the necessary sacrifices required by the current economy. I am equally proud of these fine people who have placed the fiscal health of their schools and the needs of the students and parents above their own. They are tremendous examples of the commitment our faculty and staff have to our schools, and we are blessed to have them in our schools.”
Crossroads reporter Stephanie Valickis examined the reasons behind the wage freeze and its results. Click here for the full story.
Monday, June 22, 2009
WJMJ Religious Headlines
Other Headlines:
NJ "Shock Jock" Arraigned in Hartford -- No Plea

More than 5 thousand Catholics showed up at the state Capitol to protest the bill, even though the legislation had already been shelved.
Earlier this month, Hal Turner broadcast commentary on his website urging his blog readers to quote “take up arms” against Connecticut lawmakers . Turner also suggested that government officials should quote “obey the Constitution or die.” He says his words are protected by free speech rights, and did not enter a plea.
Manchester Parishes to Consolidate Pastors

Bringing Rockville Together - Bev's Corner

It got my attention anyway. I walked into Bev's Corner with no expectations and found a comfortable living room like area with stacks of books lining the shelves and some well-worn couches in the corner by the window. Further in I could see card tables set out, and maybe a dozen people or so either using them to play cards (it looked like UNO) or eating bagels and drinking soda. On the far side, a band stage was set up, ready for Jacob's Well Coffeehouse and their Christian music. The soft buzz in the air was made up of several contented conversations - some about God, Jesus, or the bible, and some about life, the street, and job searching. No one at Bev's Corner had any place to be, and no one at Bev's Corner felt ostracized because of it.
The little space operates in conjunction with Union Church; the pastor's office, in fact, is right down the hall. It's founder is Larry Meehan. He says he and his wife had wanted to start a program like this when they retired. Unfortunately, he lost his wife before that day came. But Larry pushed on. He says God has given him the strength to provide guidance and comfort to those in need, be they coming from the shelter up the road, from the street itself, or just popping in out of curiosity, as I did.
Starting a little over a year ago, with just one visitor in its first six weeks, Bev's Corner has blossomed into an active and constructive hang-out, with dozens stopping by each day.
The Corner is involved with charity work, and recently helped victims of an apartment building fire that all but gutted a five-family house.
To hear the whole story and learn more about Bev's Corner, click here.
The Corner is also a big part of JesusFest, a growing religious block party in the Rockville downtown. JesusFest will take place on July 12 this year, and if you choose to go, be sure to make a stop at Bev's Corner - Larry says a coffee, a bagel and God will waiting for you.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Recreational Water Illness

Common water illnesses show symptoms like a head or stomach ache, or an ear infection. These illnesses can be caused by E.Coli and other micro-organisms found in the water system.
Crossroads reporter Stephanie Valickis explored the common swimming areas of Connecticut, and has tips on where to go this summer, and how to avoid a nasty bug.
Click here for the full story.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Live Mass at Our Lady of Peace in East Hartford

The Mass will celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi, the body and blood of Christ.
Our Lady of Peace parish with 750 families is known as the small church with the big heart. It began in 1970 as a mission church to St. Christopher in East Hartford. In June of that year, the first Mass was celebrated at the Dr. Thomas O’Connell School. In 1971 Our Lady of Peace was elevated to parish status. In 1975, groundbreaking took place for the new church, a modern white structure located on 6 acres of land. Our Lady of Peace has recently been linked with Blessed Sacrament parish, also in East Hartford.
Join us tomorrow afternoon at 370 May Rd. in East Hartford, as we televise this Mass live at 4 p.m.
Bridgeport Diocese Appeals Supreme Court Decision

The Diocese has asked that the case be considered by the entire Court rather than the divided, five-member panel that issued the May 22nd decision to open court-sealed documents to the media involving alleged abuse cases.
The Diocese maintains that the current decision to open the documents fails to consider the
serious conflict of interest of the trial judge, fails to uphold the legitimate privacy and constitutional rights of all parties to lawsuits, and fails to recognize that disclosure of the sealed documents in question is barred by the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment.
Alex's Lemonade Stand
For more information on the foundation, or to find out how you can set up your own Alex's Lemonade Stand, check this site.
Watch Crossroads Magazine this Saturday for the inspiring story of one local stand. Also, hear from Alex's father, Jay Scott. Crossroads Magazine airs all across Connecticut on WTXX on Saturday at 10:30 a.m., and 10:30 p.m. on My TV 9.
Corpus Christi Procession in Middletown

The walking procession will begin at St. John Church, at approximately 10:30 a.m., following their 9 a.m. Mass and Eucharistic Adoration. The procession will then proceed to St. Sebastian Church after their 10 a.m. Mass. Eucharistic Adoration will take place at approximately 11; then process at approximately 11:30 to St. Mary of Czestochowa Church. Following their Eucharistic Adoration, they will process to St. Francis of Assisi Church where Bishop Cote will participate in the Eucharistic Adoration at approximately 12:45.
A luncheon banquet will follow in the Monsignor M. Davitt Fox Parish Center. Tickets are $20.00 per person and are available at all area churches or by calling (860) 346-4792. For more information, click here.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Bishop Lori on Fox News Website
You can read our May coverage of this story here.

Bishop Lori tells Foxnews.com, "We were simply seeking to fulfill our mission, to continue to be ourselves." Later he remarks, "It seems to me that by requiring a diocese or any other entity to register with the state before it can protest an unfriendly action by the state has a chilling affect. I don't think it's in anyone's interest that a protest rally be labeled lobbying."
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
George Tiller's Abortion Clinic Closes

As We Age...

They recommend strength training, even if you have to use a very light weight, or no weight at all. But they warn that inadequate footwear can lead to injuries like sprained ankles and knees. So before you start any activity, be sure you have the right equipment. They say simple exercises you can do at home will strengthen your joints and keep you limber longer. They recommend using a step and simply stepping up and down, slowly on the right and then the left foot. They emphasize the importance of using your legs to get out of a chair, as opposed to just using your arms. To maintain that level of flexibility and strength, they say walking is the best thing you can do. They recommend 10 to 30 minutes of walking a day. For those of you who have a pool nearby, the experts say easy water aerobics can quickly increase flexibility by providing both buouancy and resistance.
To learn more about ways you can stay active, or sign up for some of McLean's programs, click here.
Monday, June 8, 2009
WJMJ Religious Headlines
Abortion Doc. Murderer: More Violence Coming
Lay Group: Catholic Hospitals Partnership To Cover Abortion?
Pro-lifers Fear New NYC Law
Rally: President Obama, Please Don't Cover Religious Symbols
Gay Rights March in D.C.?
Catholic Ponzi Scheme Guilty Plea
Israel Rescinds Move to Freeze Church Assets
Pope: Only Love Can Make Us Happy
Patriarch: Climate Crisis is Greatest Threat
Friday, June 5, 2009
Mission Haiti on Crossroads Saturday
A Connecticut man is building an orphanage in Haiti. On Saturday, Crossroads Magazine will introduce you to Moving With The Spirit's Mission Haiti. Hear the inspiring journey of the charity's founder, Catholic musician and speaker Sean Forrest. Watch our show for these and many more good news stories from the crossroads of Connecticut.
In order to build an orphanage, the mission needs help. Learn how you can pitch in here.
Parish Community Tag Sale This Weekend

“The tag sale at St. Catherine of Siena Church had been an annual event for many years. We’re excited that the event will be returning to the parish this year,” said Bryce McGowan, Tag Sale Committee Co-Chair. “With the economy the way it is, everyone is looking for a bargain. It's a great way to help the parish as well as the community. We're confident many new treasures will be discovered amidst the wide variety of items for sale. There is something for everyone.”
Governor Vetoes Bill to Abolish Death Penalty

Thursday, June 4, 2009
Live Mass at St. Francis of Assisi in South Windsor

673 Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT 06074
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
WJMJ Religious Headlines

Faith Healing Boy Back on Chemo
Some Say Conservatives Partly to Blame in Murder of Abortionist
Dems For Life Leader on Pregnant Women Support Act
Praying for Bishops Who Were Against Obama at ND
Extremists Tell Nepal Christians: Leave, Or Die
Muslim Judge: WMD's Go Against Islamic Law
Murdered Iraqi Bishop Honored
Cardinal Stafford Retires
Laser Monks
Cemeteries as Art
Crossroads Magazine spoke to two very different tombstone-lovers about their obsession with cemeteries and how they connect the living as well as the dead.
Dr. Bart DePetrillo is a retired obstetrician, who has spent the past 20 years collecting and carefully documenting Italian history through its cemeteries. He considers their cemeteries their greatest museums.
Ruthie Brown is the President of the Connecticut Gravestone Association. Her mission is to preserve and protect our cemeteries here in the state. She says the art within American cemeteries may be harder to find, but it’s no less real.
Two different people, with two different goals, and one meeting place that spans worldwide - cemeteries.
To hear their stories, and get a glimpse at the beauty within cemeteries, click here.
Monday, June 1, 2009
New Catholic TV News Show
He used to produce segments of Sixty Minutes and CBS News. Now he is a Catholic deacon embarking on a media ministry. Deacon Greg Kandra is the news director for the Diocese of Brooklyn’s New Evangelization Television.
Deacon Greg will use his wealth of experience to oversee the New York City cable station's newest show called Currents. The website says the show "is a half-hour news magazine program telling stories of people of faith from around the block and around the world....we are the first daily Catholic news program. Currents’ combination of exclusive interviews and features provides unique insight to inform viewers and strengthen them in their faith."
More WJMJ Religious Headlines

U.S. Bishops Respond to Dr. Tiller's Murder
Fr. Frank Pavone's Reaction
New Study: Religious HS Students Have More Abortions
Pope John Paul II's Beatification Delayed?
Pope Benedict to Visit Czech Republic
WJMJ Religious Headlines

Pro-Life Groups Denounce Killing
Fr. Cutie's Episcopal Pulpit
First Black Woman Rabbi
Pope Surprised He Was Chosen
Pope May Meet Obama