New Haven native Fr. Andrew O’Connor is a priest of the Archdiocese of New York. He is the leader of two charity groups that combine the riches of art and Catholicism. In 2000, he founded “Sacredartheals,” which is collaboration with artists and Catholicism. Some of the works are found in parishes from France to Mississippi. In 2005, Father founded Goods of Conscience. The goal of the group originally was to preserve the Guatemalan custom of back-strap weaving, while providing the artisans a living wage. Goods of Conscience is an apparel line, that was recently worn by Cameron Diaz in Vogue Magazine.
Father will be speaking at his native St. Mary's Church in New Haven Monday night at 7:30 p.m.
Crossroads Magazine will introduce you to Father Andrew on our June 25th show.
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